Casa Grande Transit Development Plan

Casa Grande Transit Development Plan
Share your opinions about draft transit service alternatives for Casa Grande

We want your input

Help us develop transit options

Your feedback will help prepare final recommendations for short and long range transit options

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Submit a comment and include your email address to be entered in a drawing for a $50 VISA gift card.


What's being considered?

The City of Casa Grande and the Sun Corridor Metropolitan Planning Organization are interested in hearing your opinions about the draft transit service alternatives and transit needs in Casa Grande.

Your feedback will help prepare final recommendations for short and long range transit options. This survey should take no more than 5 - 10 minutes of your time.

If you would like to be entered in a drawing for a $50 VISA gift card, please fill out the contact information at the end of the survey.

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The yellow shaded area represents a proposed Employee Van Pool Service Area for major employers west of the downtown area.

The pink shaded area represents a proposed Demand Response Service area that would provide transit service only on demand, such as taxi voucher service, Uber, Lyft, or “Dial-A Ride” service, where a vehicle is requested as opposed to service full-time.

Proposed Short Term Service Route Alternatives

 OPTION A Florence Blvd Loop

 OPTION B Downtown Loop

Study Area Boundary

Employee Van Pool

Demand Response for the elderly & disabled